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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What this website provides

This is a free resource for landholders, community groups and biosecurity authorities to work together and record information on feral donkeys, feral camels and water buffalo. Help protect agriculture, native habitats and infrastructure by recording information to notify local communities and biosecurity groups about sightings or problems caused by these species. Images can be uploaded with your report and your information will remain private.

Learn more

 Source: Blu Gaff

What to record

  1. Sightings of feral donkeys, camels and buffalo
  2. Photos from your device or monitoring camera
  3. Impacts or damage caused by these pests
  4. Control activities you undertake (which will be kept private)
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Benefits of this website

  • Help document the numbers of these pest species
  • View information on the map from other people
  • Alert local biosecurity groups and local communities
  • Undertake control to reduce the damage caused by these pests

ABC Landline - Feral Camels

"Australia is home to the worlds largest wild population of Arabian camels. About one million camels are running wild, breeding fast, damaging native plants, and making farmers' lives in already tough country, even tougher." 


Case studies - coming soon

Learn about how farmers, landholder groups, pest control professionals and biosecurity organisations are using and benefiting from FeralScan.

Learn more

Tell us how you use FeralScan so we can share your story with others - Contact us

Management resources

There are a range of tools available for managing donkeys, camels and water buffalo. Click the link below to get started.

Peter West from FeralScan is here to help.

Support is available

If you would like assistance with the Other Pest Reporter, please contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

Project partner

The Kimberley Rangelands Biosecurity Association (KRBA) is a formally recognised pastoral group in Western Australia that control the impacts of pest animals, including large herbivores such as Donkeys. This website has been developed with funding from the KRBA in partnership with the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. For further details about this group, please click on the link below.

Learn about the KRBA

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