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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What FoxScan provides

Foxes are an introduced pest that cause $230 million dollars of damage each year through predation of lambs, goat kids and poultry. They are a major predator of native wildlife, and have caused the decline and extinction of many of Australia's unique native. FoxScan is a free resource for farmers, the public, community groups, Landcare, local councils, professional pest controllers, and biosecurity groups. Anyone can use FoxScan to record information about foxes. Information you record can be used to manage foxes more effectively to reduce the damage they cause.

The more information you record, the more useful FoxScan will become for fox management.

Record sighting of foxes and evidence  

Including tracks, scats and calling behaviour.

Record impacts from foxes

Including predation of lambs, poultry or native wildlife.


Record control activities

Such as location where control has been undertaken, eg. baiting, trapping and shooting.


FoxScan can help you and your neighbours to decide where best to undertake control together, to achieve the most cost-effective outcomes from control. The more information you record, the more useful the FoxScan map will become for you, your neighbours, your community, and local authorities helping people to manage foxes.


Benefits of using FoxScan

FoxScan can be used by individuals and groups for a number of functions. Primarily, FoxScan is used to inform local communities about local fox issues, to help identify areas for control and to coordinate how this control is deployed. Many landholders using FoxScan may each use the resource for different reasons. Here we describe some of the benefits that FoxScan provides.

Better understand fox activity in your local area. You can use FoxScan to record information about foxes in your local area, and view records from other people to learn about how foxes utilise your local area. This can be used by you and others to better protect newborn lambs, backyard poultry, native animals, domestic pets and people. if you join a formed landholder group using FoxScan to monitor and map fox activity together, we can automatically notify you about fox activity in your area.

Help protect your neighbours from foxes. If you record fox sightings, evidence or fox attacks (such as predation of backyard poultry), this information can be used to automatically notify your neighbours or group 

Alert your local biosecurity group. If you record fox information into FoxScan, this can be used to automatically alert your local biosecurity group about foxes at your location. They might be able to involve you in future control program, such as group baiting.

Keep a record of where you are undertaking control. People are using FoxScan to record all of their monitoring and control activities (such as baiting or trapping). All control data is managed securely and privately.

Work together with your neighbours. FoxScan can be used to help inform people about foxes in the area, and can help people work together to undertake control.


How to use FoxScan

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