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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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What FoxScan provides

FoxScan is a free resource for landholders, Landcare groups, community groups, local Councils, professional pest controllers and biosecurity groups. It has been designed by landholders for communities.

What to record: 
  • Record fox sightings or evidence
  • Photos from monitoring cameras
  • Fox attacks (such as lamb or poultry predation)
  • Control activities (e.g. baiting & trapping)
 Learn more

Benefits of using FoxScan

  1. Develop a property or local area map of fox activity to guide control efforts,
  2. Work together with your neighbours to undertake coordinated control,
  3. Notify your local community or landholder group about fox activity,
  4. Send alerts to nominated people, such as neighbours or biosecurity authorities.  
Learn more


FoxScan has a range of step-by-step instructions to help you


Simple tips to reduce fox problems

  • Don't leave pet food outside overnight
  • Use enclosed compost bins
  • Keep domestic animals secure at night
  • Remove fallen fruit around fruit trees
  • Keep garbage bins covered
  • Block entry points to drains
  • Close off access to underneath buildings
  • Use fox-proof enclosures for poultry
  • Turn-off outside lights that attract insects
  • Reduce weeds that provide food and shelter, such as Blackberries
  • Record sightings in FoxScan.

Planning Guide for Fox Management in Australia

This guide has been produced to help individuals, groups and organisations wanting to control foxes to identify the problem, determine the reasons for control and to step through a simple process to prepare effective plans for fox management. The guide provides a decision template to prepare, implement and evaluate a fox management plan.

Glovebox Guide for Managing Foxes

This Guide is for land managers, pest animal officers and others involved in fox management. It provides general and current information on the best ways to manage foxes, including: identifying fox impacts; developing a fox management plan; management strategies and direct fox control techniques; and effectively evaluating your fox management plan.

resources are available to help you with managing the impacts of foxes, including the Glovebox guide to managing foxes, instructional videos, manuals, and standard operating procedures for controlling foxes.



National Feral Cat and Fox Management Coordination

The National Feral Cat and Fox Management Coordination program communicates and drives the adoption of humane and effective fox and feral cat control on a national, regional and local scale to reduce their impacts on threatened species, other native wildlife, agriculture and human health.

Visit the NEW National Coordination website

Peter West from FeralScan is here to help.

Support is available 

If you require assistance with FoxScan, contact us.

Contact the National Coordinator

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