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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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Case studies


Hargraves-Hill End Pest Control Group

This Group has been using FeralScan for several years to record wild dog sightings, attacks on livestock, and control activities across their district. They upload wild dog photos obtained from lots of monitoring cameras deployed across their local area, and use FeralScan to plan and coordinate control. They also use FeralScan to report to local authorities, which saves them time and effort, and they show their map to local wild dog trappers to identify areas for targeted control. 
 Helen Lawson – local sheep producer and secretary of the Group said, “I use FeralScan all the time. When we record wild dog activity in FeralScan, the map shows where the problem areas are, and what time the wild dogs are coming through. We also get a better idea of how far wild dogs move, because we might map a dog at one end of our local area, and the same dog at the other end. FeralScan gives us some idea of the wild dog’s movements.” 
 “FeralScan also notifies our landholders, and this helps people to be more aware of wild dog activity and helps them decide when to undertake control. The more people that use FeralScan, the more useful it becomes. I intend to use it as much as possible to bring the message home. I think FeralScan is a good tool” said Helen.

Helen Lawson – Secretary of the Hargraves-Hill End Pest Control Group
Central Tablelands NSW


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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016