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FeralScan is a community resource to help people monitor, map and manage pest animals.

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How to use the website

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WildDogScan is a purpose-built community website and App for recording wild dog sightings, evidence, damage and control actions.

Sightings or evidence of wild dogs

For example, observations of wild dogs, footprints, scats, howling or camera photos. The more information you record, the more informative the wild dog map will become over time. Trends in movement will start to emerge, which can be used to decide when and where control should be undertaken.

Wild dog attacks or problems

For example, killing or mauling of sheep, goats, domestic pets, calves, alpacas, horses, etc. Recording the damage that wild dogs cause is important for informing local authorities, and for deciding when and where wild dog control should be undertaken. It can also be used to help you access resources and support.

Control activities

For example, poison baiting, trapping, ground shooting, etc. Recording control activities can help you to (1) create a map of where you are focusing your efforts and keep a record of where you have used a technique, (2) evaluate whether changes are needed, and (3) help you work with your neighbours to coordinate control to get the best outcomes.

All information you enter about control activities is kept private in WildDogScan.

How to view records on the map

To view your records: (1) Log in on the website and open the map; (2) Zoom to your local area and click on markers to read their details.

How to add a new record 

To add new information: (1) Open the Map, select the 'Record Data' button, choose the type of information you want to enter, then click on the map to select the location of your record; and (2) Complete the form questions, then submit your entry.



How to view group records >


How to use the App >


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Upload wildlife camera images (PDF)


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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016

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Banksia Sustainability Awards 2016